Happy New Year to all our friends (and to those we haven’t quite met yet). What are your plans for 2023? Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If so, do you… keep them? 😉
Here’s our hot tip for ensuring that, this year, you keep those promises; Resolve to do things that bring you joy!
Often, the most popular resolutions are things like:
- Exercise More
- Spend less time on Social Media
- Learn/try something new
- Challenge yourself, and
- Make new friends
Well, of course we’re biased, but we’re not alone in recognizing that taking a dance class is the easiest, most fun and rewarding way to achieve all these goals. This session we’re offering 3 Group Classes:
– Beginner Argentine Tango,
– Beginner West Coast Swing, and
– Intermediate Salsa .
Private classes are also available, 7 days a week.
Happy 2023! We hope you will join us!